365 Mail

PingMe note: Please note that you cannot use Microsoft Security Defaults or multi-factor authentication (MFA), if you are turning on, please turn off this.

To disable Security Defaults, please follow this step:

1. Login to Azure portal and sign in your account or you can from your Office365 admin center:

To disable MFA:

1: Login to your Office365 admin center here and and go to Users > Active users.

2. Click Multi-factor authentication

  • Also please note that SMTP authentication is enabled for the mailbox, follow the steps here:

1. Open the Microsoft 365 admin center and go to Users > Active users. 2. Select the user, and in the flyout that appears, click Mail. 3. In the Email apps section, click Manage email apps. 4. Verify the Authenticated SMTP setting: unchecked = disabled, checked = enabled. 5. When you're finished, click Save changes.

  • Please make sure to enter the correct information in the app:

Email: your office365 email

Password: Your office365 email password

And normally, the rest information you should enter like this:

Last updated